
Workplace Woes đŸ˜©

One of the many things I pride myself on is my ability to remain professional under any circumstance in the workplace. The average person, would probably think “Duh!”, but that is because they aren’t working with 2017 Cybil.

Cousin, let me tell you- This woman (we will continue to call her 2017 Cybil) literally has some people in her head. I really don’t mean to joke about mental illness, but just go with it for right now. From Monday morning to Friday afternoon, I have experienced about a half dozen people and I only sit next to ONE person. Can you sense my frustration?! I don’t know if I should burn sage, run for the hills, play dead or a combination of all 3. Yes, I am dramatic! I am not trying to be pompous when I say, if you don’t like me, there is more than likely something wrong with you. Read me out: I don’t talk about hotbed issues in mixed company-No race, no religion, no politics, no nothing. I sometimes don’t even talk, just so I can’t be accused of jading or slighting anyone. I clock in with my earbuds in my ear to ensure I have no reason to participate in small talk- WHICH I HATE! I haven’t been working there that long, so I don’t even feel like I want to really talk about anything outside of work. I have a good sense of humor, a keen sense of hygiene-that is not even a given in 2017 anymore.

So now that we know that I am not the problem (I swear I do my best to keep myself small, and I am a whole lot of woman), let me tell you guys about 2017 Cybill. The biggest issue I have, she talks like it is in her job description. Don’t get me wrong, we all need a

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slight break from the work, but she consistently wants to talk and has the nerve to want you to join in on her foolery. She will talk about ANYTHING for minimum 10 mins, which is a lifetime when you’re on a deadline. I have now started myself on the path of going deaf, because my music is so loud to the point that I can’t even hear when the work phone rings because I have drown out talking ass 2017 Cybil. Once again, I am still fairly new so there are moments when I have a question. If I ask someone other than 2017 Cybil, cousin, would you believe this woman starts huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf?! Now let me tell you, I make it my mission to not exhaust any one person with too many questions. Fair enough, I thought. Honey, I asked her another question later in the day and she shrugged her shoulders and said “Well just do what you want, I don’t really care. It doesn’t matter”. Jesus take the wheel and drive fast!!! Needless to say my jaw dropped. She was really that butt hurt! I guess her Menopause was acting up or something.

Now if it’s not abundantly clear by my writing style and overall tone, I am clearly a member of the melanated (No Typo) community. Well what does race have to do with this…..Follow me, I have no choice but take was she said in stride. If you’re melanated, you know what I mean. I get that we all have shit that happens and we deal, but when you’re a PoC, that takes on a whole new meaning. I cannot afford to live up to some “rolling of the neck, finger pointing, loud talking, cussing and fussing” stereotype, because let’s be honest, I. CAN. NEVER. COME. BACK. AFTER. THAT. Furthermore, I have owe the student loan goons too much money not to work. Meanwhile, 2017 Cybill has had several issues with HR and another employee and she is still very much employed. I do not intend to make this a race issue nor am I insisting that she be fired. She is 50+ years old, so she is old enough to be my mom and I don’t want to shorten my days on earth by letting her have it, but she is riding my last nerve. Most people are nice-nasty, but she is nasty-nasty-semi nice AKA working on a tongue lashing from me. It takes a lot to rile me up, so I know this lady is the problem child. Then there are days where she wants to all in my personal space and talk like she is Dr. Phil and some girl interrupted. I do NOT discuss my personal life at work, not that I have much of one, but you catch my drift. This is just what I had the energy to tell you about. 2017 Cybil is worse than a hemorrhoid. Yes, I went there. I would be able to deal with the incessant talking and attitude if it was consistent, but this all over nation behavior is just not what I signed up for.

I had to get this off my chest so I don’t lose my marbles and my damn job. I know that she is not my first Cybil derivative and I know I am not on my own on this,cousin. If you read this far, I truly do thank you. I know I kept you for a while cousin, but if you got nothing else from this, just remember not to let anyone or anything take you outside of your character. And you guys know my motto, since I can’t talk about it, I write about it.


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